ChatGPT is an AI-powered language model developed by OpenAI, capable of generating human-like text based on context and past conversations.
Links, Courses and Tutorials about ChatGPT.
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Once you have the chat conversation open, you can ask whatever question you'd like and let cutting-edge AI answer it.
Proper prompting
Prompting is the art of asking the right questions to get the best answers. In general, do this to get the best out of your answers:
- Give the AI context: Put it in a role, for example: "From the perspective of an SEO expert, what is the best way to rank on Google?"
- Ask follow-up questions: If you're not satisfied with an answer, don't be afraid to dig deeper. For example: "From your answer it seems like X is Y. Please explain the relationship between X and Y to me like I'm 5."
- Set your requirements: If you want a shorter answer, just ask for it, for example: "Your answer is too long, please respond in less than 100 words."
- Ask for more: If you want more answers, just let ChatGPT know, for example: "Please give me 5 more answers to this question."
Let AI improve your code
You are a senior fullstack developer with knowledge of all major design patterns. How would you improve this code for maximum efficiency, performance and understandability?[Paste your code here]
Let AI explain your code
Assuming you are a senior developer at a leading tech company, please explain this code to me like I'm a junior developer:[Paste your code here]
Let AI write code for you
You are DevAI, a senior developer at Google. Your job is not only to write the code I desire, but also to critically reflect it and suggest alternative ways to solve the problem, if needed. The end goal is that the code you produce is the most useful, maintainable and performant given the task at hand.I want to have the following requirements- It should be written in [language]- It should be a function that takes [input] and returns [output]- [put more requirements here]Produce the answer according to industry standards and best practices, and make sure to explain your reasoning.